Trump Admin Ups Keystone XL Limit by 29%

(Bloomberg) -- The Trump administration will allow the existing Keystone pipeline to carry more oil-sands crude into the Midwest and U.S. Gulf Coast while the conduit’s decade-old expansion project faces renewed legal hurdles.

A White House permit issued Wednesday raises the cross-border shipping limit for the TC Energy Corp. line to 760,000 barrels a day, from 590,000 under a previous presidential permit, company spokesman Terry Cunha said in an email. The White House decision came after President Donald Trump’s earlier approval of TC Energy’s proposed Keystone XL expansion project was hampered by a federal court decision that blocked most construction.

“This is excellent news for Canada’s energy sector, and hard-working people and families on both sides of the border who benefit from continued North American energy security and interdependence,” said Sonya Savage, energy minister of Alberta, home to the Canadian oil sands.

Canadian oil producers have faced a persistent shortage of export pipelines as several projects have been delayed for years by courts and local environmental opposition.

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Robert Tuttle in Calgary at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Jasmina Kelemen at
Carlos Caminada

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Trump Admin Ups Keystone XL Limit by 29% Trump Admin Ups Keystone XL Limit by 29% Reviewed by Crude Oil Brokers on 19:26 Rating: 5

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